Brian KJ Kim

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Hi 🖐️
I'm Brian KJ Kim
Software Developer

My favourite tech are React, Next.JS, Strapi, TaildwindCSS, Node.js + Express.js, Prisma, and Firebase!

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A few of my software development endeavors,

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Summarize AI

React, TypeScript, Next.JS, Strapi, PostgreSQL, OpenAI, ShadCN UI Summarize AI is a web application that summarizes the content of YouTube videos into concise and organized texts. Save your summaries and access them anytime!

Redact Pii

React, NextJS, TailwindCSS, ShadCN UI, OctoAI Redact PHI is a document redaction application that automatically redacts Personal Health Information (PHI) from the user's uploaded document. It has an experimental feature where the user has an option to use a Gen AI service for redaction, using Mixtral 8x22B engine.


Next.js, PostgreSQL, Upstash, ImageKit, TypeScript, Resend, Tailwind CSS Bookwise is a web library management application that streamlines the borrowing process with features like reminders and receipts. It includes a public-facing app and an admin interface, and offers robust user management and automated workflows.


React, MongoDB, Google Firebase, Node.js + Express.js Open Data Development Network (ODEN) is an open-source initiative aimed at streamlining developers' access to open data by consolidating scattered datasets from various cities into a centralized platform.

Washroom Finder

React, NextJS, TailwindCSS, Open Data Portal, Docker Washroom Finder is an open source independent project that provides nearby public washroom locations to the client by utilizing Open Data Portal API from municipalities in Lower Mainland.

Admin Dashboard

React, NextJS, TailwindCSS, NextAuth, Tremor, Prisma React Admin Dashboard is a sample dashboard application that utilizes Tremor to display charts and NextAuth for authentication.
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A bit about me.

I am . . .


a full-stack developer with passion and curiosity

I fell in love with the creativity and problem solving that is involved in developing and engineering innovative technological solutions to the problems of our world. Starting of with JavaScript, HTML & CSS and evolving my knowledge base to include JavaScript frameworks, backend programming, design, cloud services and much much more.


an UI/UX design enthusiast

Carefully crafting and designing amazing user experiences allows me to express and experiment with every morsel of creativity I have. I love the challenge of learning new design concepts and enabling users with amazing online experiences.


an excellent communicator and teammate

Communication is key and it's a paramount value of mine. I believe in transparency and constructive communication above all else. This helps me develop deep relationships and ensures my effectiveness and productivity in any work space with any team.